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电话: 86 574 8736 8638-604
传真: 86 574 8736 3280
姓名: Lana Chen
Ningbo Yadi

  Ningbo Yadi Import & Export Co., Ltd. is a professional home appliances manufacturer, according to different cleaning objects, we have portable steam cleaner, steam mop, vacuum & steam cleaner, multi-functional steam cleaner etc. We focus on R & D and have got many patents, especially safety valve can not be opened when there is pressure in the boiler during use, security and reliability. International purchasing from Ulka, C.E.M.E etc. which provide high quality spare parts. We assure quali

主要产品/业务: multifuntional steam cleaner, portable steam cleaner, steam brush, steam mop

Ningbo Yadi / 浙江 / 904,A Section, Shijiweiye building Nianjiu Street Haishu Distric (315300) / 电话:86 574 8736 8638-604

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